Running with gitlab-runner 16.2.0 (782e15da)
  on Main GitLab Runner vEencKxM, system ID: r_11MI9CNhWE5A
Preparing the "docker" executor
Using Docker executor with image ...
Starting service docker:dind ...
Pulling docker image docker:dind ...
Using docker image sha256:0fddd6ec43ab484d35772852bbeefbc825bc2b9846d121f1e87da42cfef62e00 for docker:dind with digest docker@sha256:25a7feece7050334e8bd478dc9b6031c24db7fe81b2665abe690698ec52074f2 ...
Waiting for services to be up and running (timeout 30 seconds)...

*** WARNING: Service runner-veenckxm-project-6168-concurrent-0-f11b749a83a49020-docker-0 probably didn't start properly.

Health check error:
start service container: Error response from daemon: Cannot link to a non running container: /runner-veenckxm-project-6168-concurrent-0-f11b749a83a49020-docker-0 AS /runner-veenckxm-project-6168-concurrent-0-f11b749a83a49020-docker-0-wait-for-service/service (services.go:187:0s)

Service container logs:
2023-08-03T15:33:24.977724113Z ip: can't find device 'ip_tables'
2023-08-03T15:33:24.981223516Z ip_tables              36864  2 iptable_nat,iptable_filter
2023-08-03T15:33:24.981348094Z x_tables               53248  6 iptable_filter,xt_conntrack,xt_MASQUERADE,xt_addrtype,nft_compat,ip_tables
2023-08-03T15:33:24.982523307Z modprobe: can't change directory to '/lib/modules': No such file or directory
2023-08-03T15:33:24.988942117Z mount: permission denied (are you root?)
2023-08-03T15:33:24.989258404Z Could not mount /sys/kernel/security.
2023-08-03T15:33:24.989269871Z AppArmor detection and --privileged mode might break.
2023-08-03T15:33:24.993269666Z mount: permission denied (are you root?)


Authenticating with credentials from job payload (GitLab Registry)
Pulling docker image ...
Using docker image sha256:900fa5f3df69fa70b5889a81a229e8584f2015f6112dd46bd0279ec110828cc0 for with digest ...
Preparing environment
Running on runner-veenckxm-project-6168-concurrent-0 via 34630ca8e657...
Getting source from Git repository
$ git config --global http.proxy $HTTP_PROXY; git config --global https.proxy $HTTPS_PROXY
Fetching changes with git depth set to 50...
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/bousse-e/docker-drawio/.git/
Checking out ff035887 as detached HEAD (ref is master)...

Skipping Git submodules setup
Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
Using docker image sha256:900fa5f3df69fa70b5889a81a229e8584f2015f6112dd46bd0279ec110828cc0 for with digest ...
$ drawio --version
Running drawio in CLI mode only using xvfb-run
+ echo 'Running drawio in CLI mode only using xvfb-run'
+ xvfb-run -a /opt/drawio/drawio --version --no-sandbox
[27:0803/] Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
Checking for beta autoupdate feature for deb/rpm distributions
Found package-type: rpm
[27:0803/] Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
[27:0803/] Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
[27:0803/] Failed to connect to the bus: Could not parse server address: Unknown address type (examples of valid types are "tcp" and on UNIX "unix")
[27:0803/] Failed to connect to the bus: Could not parse server address: Unknown address type (examples of valid types are "tcp" and on UNIX "unix")
Failed to create /root/.cache for shader cache (Permission denied)---disabling.
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
Job succeeded