diff --git a/bin/lg2mml b/bin/lg2mml
index 9cc56feab29312b46ac52e31eef0e5e68a0e12f3..e3d1fbe111e2f94faa677575f036f24349b1f845 100755
--- a/bin/lg2mml
+++ b/bin/lg2mml
@@ -22,6 +22,13 @@ then
 	exit 0
+# RZ: Debug
+#echo ""
+#echo "[ lg2mml ]"
+#echo "  LgEvalDir   $LgEvalDir"
+#echo "  PATH        $PATH"
 BNAME=`basename $1 .lg`
 python $LgEvalDir/src/lg2txt.py $1 $LgEvalDir/translate/mathMLMap.csv $LgEvalDir/translate/infty_to_crohme.csv > $BNAME.mml
diff --git a/bin/tests/test-2-add-inside-relationship-mapping b/bin/tests/test-2-add-inside-relationship-mapping
index f907a663162d06becec53fd8c388bad573f651d6..e605bbd4a7f4feb8d0ca51d71fd559d0301b7c2c 100755
--- a/bin/tests/test-2-add-inside-relationship-mapping
+++ b/bin/tests/test-2-add-inside-relationship-mapping
@@ -1,10 +1,31 @@
+echo "Running test for issue 2 (inside relationship mapping)..."
 pip install beautifulsoup4==4.9.2
+# RZ -- need to set LgEvalDir and PYTHONPATH for
+# this to work.
+# NOTE: These definitions are lost after the 
+# script ends (they are associated only with the
+# invoked process that the shell program runs in)
+# NOTE 2: You *must* use export to define a variable
+# that you want to be visible in child processes
+# (e.g., where lg2mml is called below)
+export LgEvalDir=`cd ../..; pwd`
+export PYTHONPATH=`cd ../../../; pwd`/
+export PATH=$LgEvalDir/bin:$PATH
+echo "  LgEvalDir    $LgEvalDir"
+echo "  PATH         $PATH"
 TEST_FILES=`ls ../../tests/sqrt_lg/*.lg` 
 for file in $TEST_FILES
-  ../lg2mml ../../tests/sqrt_lg/$file
+  lg2mml ../../tests/sqrt_lg/$file
   filename=`basename $file .lg`
-  echo "MathML generated: "$filename".mml"
+  echo MathML generated: "$filename".mml