#!/bin/bash # Make sure that CROHMELibDir and LgEvalDir are defined in # your shell enviroment, e.g. by including: # # export LgEvalDir=<path_to_LgEval> # export CROHMELibDir=<path_to_CROHMELib> # export PATH=$PATH:$CROHMELibDir/bin:$LgEvalDir/bin # # in your .bashrc file (the initialization file for bash shell). The PATH # alteration will add the tools to your search path. if [ $# -lt 2 ] then echo "LgEval evaluateMat: Label graph matrix evaluation (CROHME 2014)" echo "Copyright (c) R. Zanibbi, H. Mouchere, 2012-2013" echo "" echo "Usage: evaluateMat outputDir groundTruthDir [t/d/s/b]" echo "" echo "Evaluates all label graph (.lg) files in outputDir against" echo "corresponding files in groundTruthDir. groundTruthDir is used" echo "to generate the list of files to be compared (i.e. if a file is" echo "not in the ground truth directory, it will not be considered)." echo "*The label graphs are filtered for different objects and" echo " relationship types (e.g. for Rows and Columns), with" echo " metrics compiled for the different levels/types of structure." echo "" echo "Outputs" echo "-----------------------------" echo " Results<outputDir>/" echo " Summary : summary of performance metrics" echo " Correct : list outputDir files matching ground truth" echo " Metrics.csv : metrics for all .lg files compared" echo " Diffs.diff : all differences between files" echo " ConfusionMatrix.html : node and edge label confusion matrix" echo " (errors only)" echo "" echo " Metrics/ : directory with .csv (metric) and .diff (difference) file for" echo " each comparison. .dot (GraphViz) and .pdf files are generated for" echo " viewing differences between files if a third argument is provided." echo "" echo "NOTE: the different visualizations of structural differences are described" echo " if you run lg2dot without arguments (object (t)ree; (d)irected graph" echo " over objects; primitive (s)egmentation graph; (b)ipartite graph over" echo " primitives." exit 0 fi dir=$1 BNAME=`basename $1` truthDir=$2 ResultsDir=Results_$BNAME mkdir -p $ResultsDir/Metrics mkdir -p $ResultsDir/MatMetrics echo "Output File Directory: $1" echo "Ground Truth Directory: $2" echo "" # Compute all .csv metrics outputs (per-file), and .diff results (per-file). echo "Evaluating files..." PREFIX=res_ for file in `ls $truthDir/*.lg` do FNAME=`basename $file .lg` nextFile=$dir/$FNAME.lg if [[ ! -e $ResultsDir/Metrics/$FNAME.csv ]] then # NOTE: the script convertCrohmeLg can be used to convert # crohme .inkml files to .lg files. echo " >> Comparing $FNAME.lg" python $LgEvalDir/src/evallg.py $nextFile $file m > $ResultsDir/Metrics/$FNAME.csv python $LgEvalDir/src/evallg.py $nextFile $file MATRIX $ResultsDir/MatMetrics/$FNAME DIFF=`python $LgEvalDir/src/evallg.py $nextFile $file diff` if [ -n "$DIFF" ] then echo "$DIFF" > $ResultsDir/Metrics/$FNAME.diff else rm -f $ResultsDir/Metrics/$FNAME.diff echo "$nextFile" >> $ResultsDir/Correct fi else echo " Already processed: $file" fi done # Compile all metrics/diffs, # and then compute metric summaries and confusion matrices. cat $ResultsDir/Metrics/*.csv > $ResultsDir/Metrics.csv ALLDIFFS=`ls $ResultsDir/Metrics | grep .diff` if [ -n "$ALLDIFFS" ] then cat $ResultsDir/Metrics/*.diff > $ResultsDir/Diffs.diff else touch $ResultsDir/__NoErrors touch $ResultsDir/Diffs.diff # empty - no errors. fi python $LgEvalDir/src/sumMetric.py "LABEL" $ResultsDir/Metrics.csv > $ResultsDir/__Summary python $LgEvalDir/src/sumDiff.py $ResultsDir/Diffs.diff html > $ResultsDir/ConfusionMatrix.html for typErr in Mat Cell Row Col Symb do cat $ResultsDir/MatMetrics/*${typErr}.csv > $ResultsDir/Metrics${typErr}.csv python $LgEvalDir/src/sumMetric.py "LABEL" $ResultsDir/Metrics${typErr}.csv > $ResultsDir/_${typErr}_Summary done echo "done."