Nantes Université

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Merge latest develop branch

Theophile AVENEL a demandé de fusionner develop vers main


Latest Features

1. calcul.c and calcul.cpp

  • Added calcul.c and calcul.cpp files, which contain the recursive function factoriel for computing factorials.
  • These files are shared between the C and C++ versions of the main program to provide consistent factorial calculations.

2. Awesome README

  • Enhanced the project documentation with an Awesome README file.
  • README includes:
    • Detailed project description.
    • Step-by-step guide for building and running the C and C++ programs.
    • Information on GitLab CI/CD integration for building, testing, and security scanning.
    • Usage examples with expected output.
    • Contribution guidelines and author information.


  • Added an MIT License file to the project.
  • This provides clear permission for others to use, modify, and distribute the code, with attribution to the author, Theophile Avenel.


These latest features enhance the overall usability and legal clarity of the project, ensuring better documentation and consistent functionality between the C and C++ versions of the code.

Rapports de requête de fusion

Chargement en cours