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Page d'information à propos du cours "R3.04 : Qualité de développement : design patterns".
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Documents pour le cours d'introduction au développement en première année au département informatique de l'IUT de Nantes
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We will provide experimental datasets due to the lack of public data in the plastics field. As part of the Recyplast-Démo project, we developed a data acquisition protocol to study how extruder settings evolve over time when processing virgin and recycled polypropylene (PP). The tests involved PP30, PP40, and PP89, both individually and in mixtures, selected for their chemical resistance and heat tolerance. We then applied four forecasting models—Vector Autoregression (VAR), Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), Facebook Prophet, and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)—to these datasets and evaluated their forecasting capabilities. After applying these models, we compared their performance in modeling the behavior of the plastic extruder.
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Sujets de travaux dirigés et pratiques pour la ressource R1.03 "Initiation à l'architecture des ordinateurs".
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Original project by Bernd-Christian Renner et al. @TUHH : https://collaborating.tuhh.de/e-24/public/ahoi/pylib.git (Branche main)
With work version of Alexis Bitaillou : https://gitlab.univ-nantes.fr/abitaillou1/ahoi-pylib.git (Branche CI)
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Vasculature Models (cerebral vascular tree modeling to feed a CNN for its training phase)
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