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update readme and docstrings

parent 600e2f27
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......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class FastqSeq (object):
Simple Representation of a fastq file. The object support slicing and addition operations
The quality score is a numpy array to facilitate further data manipulation
Only works with illumina 1.8+ Phred 33 quality encoding
Only works with illumina 1.8+ Phred +33 quality encoding
......@@ -42,15 +42,12 @@ class FastqSeq (object):
if type(qual) == str:
self.qual = np.array([ord(x)-33 for x in qual])
print ("Str type")
elif type(qual) == np.ndarray:
self.qual = qual
print ("ndarray type")
elif type(qual) == list:
self.qual = np.array(qual)
print ("list type")
raise TypeError("qual is not a valid type : str, numpy.ndarray or list of int")
......@@ -12,11 +12,18 @@ When the file is empty the generator raise a StopIteration exception indicating
Any part of the sequence name following a blank space will be removed
## FastqSeq : Simple object representing a Fastq sequence
FastqSeq is a simple python object class generating a object representing a fastq sequence. The object is initialised with a name, a DNA sequence, an **illumina 1.8+ Phred +33** encoded quality sequence (same size than the DNA sequence) and eventually a short text description. After creation the object has the following fields:
FastqSeq is a simple python object class generating a object representing a Fastq sequence. The object is initialized with:
* A for the sequence without @
* A DNA sequence as a string
* A quality score, as an **illumina 1.8+** encoded quality string, a numpy.ndarray of integers in **Phred +33** or python list of integers in **Phred +33**
* Eventually a short text description
The DNA sequence and the quality score must have the same size otherwise an assertion error is raised
After creation the object has the following fields:
* name = name of the sequence without @.
* seq = The DNA sequence of the fastq sequence store as a simple string.
* qual = An numpy integer array representing the Phred Quality of bases (support all np.array methods)
* qual = An numpy integer ndarray representing the Phred Quality of bases (support all np.array methods)
* descr = A description of the fastq sequence.
* qualstr = A string of letters corresponding to the sequence quality in illumina 1.8+ Phred 33 encoding
* fastqstr = The field "descr" will be included in the output fastq sequence name after a space if present
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