== Installing the program restructuring system ==
The system works under Linux (at least Debian/Ubuntu) + Emacs.
=== Pre-requisites ===
You need the following programs and library installed :
* The Glasgow Haskell Compiler GHC-6.12.1 (package ghc6 in Debian/Ubuntu distributions).
* Some Haskell libraries and tools : the network library (package libghc6-network-dev) the mtl library (package libghc6-mtl-dev) and the “happy” tool (package happy).
* An additional haskell tool : Hint. The Debian/Ubuntu package is libghc6-hint-dev. If you can't find it for your distributuion, you can install it from cabal. First install cabal (package cabal-install), then make 'cabal update' and finally 'cabal install hint' (you may also need to request the installation of “happy”, for instance with 'cabal install happy').
* The classic patch Unix utility (package patch).
* Emacs.
You also need to download the following source code :
* Haskell Refactorer source code.
* Our tool source code.
=== Install the system ===
* Download the source code of the Haskell Refactorer (HaRe) v.0.6 from HaRe webpage.
* Extract the files from the archive (for instance, 'tar xzvf HaRe_28062010.tar.gz').
* Download the archive containing our tool source code (from download page).
* cd into the directory created while extracting the HaRe archive (HaRe_28062010/) and extract the archive there.
* (Optional) Edit the variable GHCFLAGS in the file tools/base/HuMakefile to add -O2 (the uppercase letter O, not the number 0) at the end of the string defining the compiler options. You should reach the following string: ”-fglasgow-exts -XNoOverlappingInstances -O2” . Compilation will take more time, but the refactorer will be much faster.
* Patch HaRe to fix some bugs. The paches are provided in our tool source code archive. We provide a shell script to apply the patches (since our version 0.3): applyPatches.sh (you may need to use the command ./applyPatches.sh to execute it).
* Compile : run make at the root of the HaRe directory (it takes several minutes and a large ammount of memory: if you have 512MB of physical memory, you may need to close some processes).
* (Optional) Place the following directive in your .emacs file : (load ”{PATH-TO-HaRe-DIRECTORY}/HaRe_28062010/editors/Emacs/haskell-refac.el”)