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confHist 2,15 ko
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	echo "LgEval confHist: Structure Confusion Histogram Generator"
	echo "Copyright (c) R. Zanibbi, H. Mouchere, 2013-2014"
	echo ""
	echo "Usage: confHist dir1 dir2 graphSize [minCount] [strokes] OR"
	echo "       confHist fileList graphSize [minCount] [strokes]"
	echo ""
	echo "Creates an .html file containing structure confusion histograms"
	echo "at the object level. The histograms visualize errors by their"
	echo "frequency when comparing files in dir1 vs. dir2 (dir2 is 'ground truth')."
	echo "It is assumed that every .lg file in dir1 exists in dir2, and a file"
	echo "dir1_vs_dir2 is created as output."
	echo ""
	echo "If a file list is provided, then each line of the file"
	echo "(format: 'outputfile_path targetfile_path') is used for comparison."
	echo "graphSize is the number of objects/primitives in targets to analyze."
	echo "minCount is the minimum number of times an error should occur before"
	echo "detailed information is provided in the confusion histogram. By default,"
	echo "all errors are shown (minCount = 1)."
	echo ""
	echo "If an optional argument is provided (<strokes>), then stroke"
	echo "confusion histograms will be constructed in addition to object"
	echo "confusion histograms."
	echo ""
	echo "Output is written to the file CH_<dir1_vs_dir2>.html or"
	echo "CH_<fileList>.html, depending upon the arguments used."
	exit 0

if [ -d $1 ]
	# Remove trailing slashes.
	base1=`basename $dir1`
	base2=`basename $dir2`
	# Two directories passed (hopefully).
	# NOTE: Assumes same number of .lg files with
	#       matching names.
	ls $dir1/*.lg > _f1
	ls $dir2/*.lg > _f2

	L1=`wc -l _f1 | awk '{print $1}'`
	L2=`wc -l _f2 | awk '{print $1}'`
	if [ "$L1" != "$L2" ]
		echo "  !! Error: differing number of .lg files:"
		echo "     ($L1) $dir1"
		echo "     ($L2) $dir2"
		rm -f _f1 _f2
		exit 1

	paste -d" " _f1 _f2 > $INFILE
	# HACK: ${@:3} selects args starting from the third.
	python $LgEvalDir/src/ $INFILE ${@:3}
	# User-provided file list.
	python $LgEvalDir/src/ $@

exit 0