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Valider 5e75fcff rédigé par Richard Zanibbi's avatar Richard Zanibbi
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Corrected "*S" entries for .diff file output (from 'evaluate').

parent f34aa5d2
Aucune branche associée trouvée
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......@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@ June 9, 2015
for automatic object identifiers generated for the input
graph in the relationship pairs for the second (reference/
ground truth) graph.
- Corrected *S entries for .diff file output. These
were being computed based on segmentation edge label
disagreements, rather than the presence of one pair
of primitives being merged in one graph and not
the other.
May 17, 2015
......@@ -625,7 +625,6 @@ class Lg(object):
# List and count errors due to segmentation.
# Use cmpNodes to compare the labels of symbols.
# Idea : build the sub graph with the current primitive as center and only
for primitive in ps1.keys():
edgeFromP1 = {}
edgeFromP2 = {}
......@@ -651,7 +650,7 @@ class Lg(object):
edgeFromP2[p] = [lab2]
# Compute differences in edges labels with cmpNodes (as they are symbol labels)
# Compute differences in edge labels with cmpNodes (as they are symbol labels)
diff1 = set([])
diff2 = set([])
......@@ -660,15 +659,19 @@ class Lg(object):
for p in commonPrim:
(cost,diff) = self.cmpNodes(edgeFromP1[p], edgeFromP2[p])
edgeDiffCount = edgeDiffCount + cost
if cost > 0: # somehow they disagree, thus add in both sets
# RZ: Record edges that are specifically valid merges with disagreeing labels.
# RZ June 2015: Record edges that are specifically valid merges with disagreeing labels.
# Also record sets of undirected edges that disagree.
for (l1,l2) in diff:
if l1 in self.nlabels[p].keys() and l2 in lg2.nlabels[p].keys():
edgeDiffClassCount += 1
# RZ: we do not have a *segmentation* difference if corresponding segm.
# edges have a label.
elif cost > 0:
if not (p, primitive) in undirDiffClassSet and not (primitive, p) in undirDiffClassSet:
undirDiffClassSet.add( (primitive, p) )
......@@ -687,7 +690,7 @@ class Lg(object):
# Only create an entry where there are disagreements.
if len(diff1) + len(diff2) > 0:
segDiffs[primitive] = ( diff1, diff2 )
# RZ: Oct. 2014 - replacing method used to evaluate segmentation. Also
# add checks for segments in the target being disjoint.
......@@ -808,9 +811,6 @@ class Lg(object):
# RZ (Oct. 2014) Adding indicator variables for different correctness scenarios.
hasCorrectSegments = 1 if len(correctSegments) == nLg2Objs and \
len(correctSegments) == nLg1ObjsWithAbsent else 0
......@@ -845,7 +845,12 @@ class Lg(object):
("hasCorrectRelLab", hasCorrectRelationsAndLabels),
("hasCorrectStructure", hasCorrectStructure) ]
return (edgeDiffCount, segDiffs, correctSegments, metrics, primRelEdgeDiffs)
# RZ: June 2015 - need to subtract misclassified edges from non-matching edges
# to obtain correct "Delta S" (D_S) Hamming distance for mismatched
# segmentation edges.
segEdgeMismatch = edgeDiffCount - edgeDiffClassCount
return (segEdgeMismatch, segDiffs, correctSegments, metrics, primRelEdgeDiffs)
def compare(self, lg2):
"""Returns: 1. a list of (metric,value) pairs,
......@@ -935,7 +940,7 @@ class Lg(object):
edgeconflicts.append((npair, [ (l1, 1.0) ], [(l2, 1.0)] ) )
# Now compute segmentation differences.
(segMismatch, segDiffs, correctSegs, segmentMetrics, segRelDiffs) \
(segEdgeMismatch, segDiffs, correctSegs, segmentMetrics, segRelDiffs) \
= self.compareSegments(lg2)
......@@ -960,8 +965,8 @@ class Lg(object):
# Compute performance metrics; avoid divisions by 0.
cerror = ("D_C", nlabelMismatch)
lerror = ("D_L", elabelMismatch)
serror = ("D_S", segMismatch)
rerror = ("D_R", elabelMismatch - segMismatch)
serror = ("D_S", segEdgeMismatch)
rerror = ("D_R", elabelMismatch - segEdgeMismatch)
aerror = ("D_B", nlabelMismatch + elabelMismatch)
......@@ -972,11 +977,11 @@ class Lg(object):
(len(self.absentNodes) > 0 or \
len(lg2.absentNodes) > 0):
elabelMismatch = 1
segMismatch = 1
segEdgeMismatch = 1
errorVal = 0.0
if numEdges > 0:
errorVal += math.sqrt(float(segMismatch) / numEdges) + \
errorVal += math.sqrt(float(segEdgeMismatch) / numEdges) + \
math.sqrt(float(elabelMismatch) / numEdges)
if numNodes > 0:
errorVal += float(nlabelMismatch) / numNodes
......@@ -1282,10 +1287,6 @@ class Lg(object):
(sp1, ps1, _, sre1) = self.segmentGraph()
(spGT, psGT, _, sreGT) = lgGT.segmentGraph()
allNodes = set(psGT.keys())
#FIX : check that primitives identical. This this not the case in spare representation
assert allNodes == set(psGT.keys())
segDiffs = set()
correctSegments = set()
for primitive in psGT.keys():
......@@ -192,14 +192,13 @@ def main():
dlTotal = int(allSum["D_L"])
dbTotal = int(allSum["D_B"])
duTotal = int(allSum["dPairs"])
dsTotal = int(allSum["D_S"]) # Careful - this is sensitive to symbol class disagreements.
dsTotal = int(allSum["D_S"])
dEdgeClassConflicts = int(allSum["edgeDiffClassCount"])
dsActual = dsTotal - dEdgeClassConflicts
if showCSV:
sys.stdout.write(intMetric(allSum,"D_C") + "," +intMetric(allSum, "D_L") \
+ "," + str(dsActual) + "," \
+ "," + str(dsTotal) + "," \
+ intMetric(allSum, "D_B"))
......@@ -230,7 +229,7 @@ def main():
if edges > 0:
edgeRate = 100 * float(edges - dlTotal) / edges
printTable(fieldWidth,['Edges', edgeRate, edges, edges - dlTotal, dlTotal,\
dsActual, dEdgeClassConflicts, dlTotal-dsTotal])
dsTotal, dEdgeClassConflicts, dlTotal-dsTotal])
labelRate = 100.0
if nodes + edges > 0:
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