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Valider 80fa537c rédigé par Richard Zanibbi's avatar Richard Zanibbi
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Added lost changes from previous commits; created default mappings for symbols...

Added lost changes from previous commits; created default mappings for symbols and relationships, updated translation file.
parent 83a4cd8d
Aucune branche associée trouvée
Aucune étiquette associée trouvée
Aucune requête de fusion associée trouvée
......@@ -121,28 +121,29 @@ def translateRelation(lg, (relation, nextChildId), structureMap, \
segPrimMap, edgeMap, symbolMap, nodeString):
"""Translate an individual spatial relation."""
relString = ""
replacementTuple = ()
if relation in structureMap.keys():
replacementTuple = structureMap[ relation ]
for i in range(0,len(replacementTuple)):
nextEntry = replacementTuple[ i ]
if nextEntry == "PARENT":
# Add current symbol at this location
relString += nodeString
elif nextEntry == "CHILD":
relString += translate(lg, nextChildId, segPrimMap, edgeMap, symbolMap, structureMap)
relString += replacementTuple[i]
#relString += replacementTuple[0] \
# + replacementTuple[1] \
# + translate(lg, nextChildId, segPrimMap,\
# edgeMap, symbolMap, structureMap) \
# + replacementTuple[2]
relString += ' ERR::' + relation + ' { '\
+ translate(lg, nextChildId, segPrimMap,\
edgeMap, symbolMap, structureMap) + ' } '
# Use default mapping if label is unknown.
replacementList = list( structureMap[ 'REL_DEFAULT' ] )
for i in range(0,len(replacementList)):
replacementList[i] = replacementList[i].replace('_L_', relation)
replacementTuple = tuple( replacementList )
sys.stderr.write(" !! Error: Unknown relationship label " + relation + ".\n")
for i in range(0,len(replacementTuple)):
nextEntry = replacementTuple[ i ]
if nextEntry == "PARENT":
# Add current symbol at this location
relString += nodeString
elif nextEntry == "CHILD":
relString += translate(lg, nextChildId, segPrimMap, edgeMap, symbolMap, structureMap)
relString += replacementTuple[i]
return relString
......@@ -155,17 +156,21 @@ def translate(lg, segId, segPrimMap, edgeMap, symbolMap, structureMap):
labelValuePairs = sorted(lg.nlabels[ oneSegPrimitive ].items(), key=byValue)
(label, value) = labelValuePairs[0]
nodeString = label # if not in symbolMap, will not be given a seg. id! (ERROR)
nodeString = label
# Create label identifying primitives in the object.
primListString = ""
for primitiveId in sorted(list(segPrimMap[ segId ][0])):
primListString += primitiveId + ':'
if label in symbolMap:
primListString = ""
for primitiveId in sorted(list(segPrimMap[ segId ][0])):
primListString += primitiveId + ':'
nodeString = symbolMap[ label ].replace('_I_','\"' + \
primListString + '\"')
# BASE CASE: leaf node, which will not have an edge to a child node
# in edgeMap; just return the symbol in nodeString.
# Treat all unknowns uniformly.
nodeString = symbolMap[ 'OBJ_DEFAULT' ].replace('_I_','\"' + \
primListString + '\"').replace('_L_',label)
sys.stderr.write(" !! Error: Unknown object label " + label + ".\n")
if segId in edgeMap:
# This node has children - lookup replacement based on sorted labels
......@@ -183,9 +188,11 @@ def translate(lg, segId, segPrimMap, edgeMap, symbolMap, structureMap):
(relation, value) = labelValuePairs[0]
# DEBUG: remove HOR/R relations, separate SUB/SUP relations.
# Add missing "Sub" "Sup" labels for CROHME 2013.
if not (relation == 'HOR' or relation == 'R'):
nodeRelationPairs += [ (nextChildId, relation) ]
if not (relation == 'SUB' or relation == 'SUP'):
if not (relation == 'SUB' or relation == 'SUP' or \
relation == 'Sub' or relation == 'Sup'):
noSubSupPairs += [ (nextChildId, relation) ]
subSupPairs += [ (nextChildId, relation) ]
......@@ -243,6 +243,12 @@ Integral,->,<mo xml:id=_I_>\int</mo>
# ?? Treating prime (e.g. ' in a') as superscript relative to base.
\prime,->,<mo xml:id=_I_>\prime</mo>
# Empty square root.
\sqrt,->,<msqrt xml:id=_I_></msqrt>
# Treat symbol by default as an identifier (_L_ holds symbol label).
OBJ_DEFAULT,->,<mi xml:id=_I_>_L_</mi>
# Need to define unique set of labels for the competition.
sqrt,I,->,<msqrt xml:id=_I_>,I,</msqrt>
......@@ -292,6 +298,8 @@ a,->,<mover>,PARENT,CHILD,</mover>
# Accents
# ?? Overline handlined by 'below' mapping above for simplicity
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