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License and Copyright
The LgEval evaluation toolkit is Copyright (c) 01/06/2013, Richard Zanibbi
and Harold Mouchère. LgEval is free software; you may redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
(Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported)
These programs are distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 for
more details. You should have received a copy of the Creative Commons License
along with this program; if not, you can also find the Creative Commons licence
on the Creative Commons web site.
In addition, we ask that you acknowlege LgEval and its authors in any
program or publications in which LgEval is used. (You are not required to do
so; it is your choice to decide whether you wish to comply with this request
or not.) For general publications, we ask that you reference:
Zanibbi, R., Mouchère, H., and Viard-Gaudin, C. "Evaluating structural pattern
recognition for handwritten math via primitive label graphs," Proc. Document
Recognition and Retrieval XX, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 2012.
Label Graph Tools v.0.2.1
Copyright (c) 2012-2013, R. Zanibbi, H. Mouchere
*Contact information is provided at the bottom of the file.
:: License ::
These tools are provided in the framework of the ICDAR 2013 CROHME
competition 'as is' without any guarantee of suitability for non-research
use. No commercial use is permitted. The tools are being distributed under
a Creative Commons license (please see the LICENSE file, and the directory
cc_license contains a file detailing the specifics of the license).
:: Requirements ::
Perl (with LibXML), python 2.6/2.7 and TXL ( are required to run
the tools included. LgEval (distributed separately) is also required for
some of the converter programs. Scripts are written in perl and
bash. GraphViz (in particular, 'dot') is needed for graph visualization.
Make sure that CROHMELibDir and LgEvalDir are defined in
your shell enviroment, e.g. by including:
export LgEvalDir=<path_to_LgEval>
export CROHMELibDir=<path_to_CROHMELib>
export PATH=$PATH:$CROHMELibDir/bin:$LgEvalDir/bin
in your .bashrc file (the initialization file for bash shell). The PATH
alteration will add the tools to your search path.
To avoid warnings about stack sizes from TXL, use the following (using sudo/
as super or root user) from the bash command line:
ulimit -s 16384
this increases the maximum call stack size for the shell.
Graph Files (CSV files)
Graphs are represented by lists of node ids, and edge pairs over node ids, with
which one or more labels may be associated. Examples may be found in the tests/
Scripts in bin/ are used to call the applications listed below
more conveniently. Call a script without arguments to obtain a description
and instructions on how to use the program.
Main evaluation script for label graphs. For CROHME 2013 this is set
up to automatically produce metric files, differences, result summaries,
and visualizations of recognition errors (requires GraphViz). Program
produces evaluation results given a directory of output files and
a corresponding directory of ground truth files.
Create .dot and .pdf output for a label graph, or visualize the
difference between two label graphs. Different graph types may be
produced (requires GraphViz).
Create MathML output from a label graph (requires CROHMELib)
All programs are written in Python (2.x compatible), aside
from (which is written in Perl). The following
files are located in the src/ directory.
python src/
Used to compute metrics for label graph files. Can
be run over a pair of files, or in batch mode.
Metrics are written to <infile>.m, and differences between
pairs of graphs are written to <infile>.diff.
NOTE: If a node is absent in one of the graphs, it will
be inserted as 'ABSENT' in the other graph, with an edge
labeled ('ABSENT',1.0) between the ABSENT node and every
other node in the graph. See Lg.matchAbsent() in the file
python src/
Used to select a metric from a CSV file (.m) produced by the
'evallg' program. Useful for producing histograms.
python src/
Takes a metric (.m) file produced by evallg, and presents
some summary statistics for collected metrics.
python src/
Takes a difference (.diff) file produced by evallg, and presents
confusion matrices for node labels and edge labels.
Output is in CSV or HTML.
python src/
Convert a graph to .dot format (which can then be rendered
using the 'dot' program from GraphViz). Differences between
a pair of graphs may also be visualized for:
- Bipartite label graph(s)
- Segmentation graph(s)
- DAG(s) represention of label graph
- Tree-based representation of label graph (e.g. a
symbol layout tree/SRT for a mathematical expression)
python src/ [also see translate directory]
Convert a graph to a string encoding, e.g. LaTeX. A symbol and structure
mapping may be defined in an accompanying .csv file, such
as translate/symbolMap.csv. A MathML conversion (for CROHME 2013)
is provided, in translate/mathMLMap.csv.
Supporting Source Files
defines the label graph class, along with key
transformations and functions to collect comparison/evaluation
metrics. Also defines methods to print graphs and
write graphs to file.
operations to output evaluation metrics.
Harold Mouchère
University of Nantes, France
Richard Zanibbi
Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
# Make sure that CROHMELibDir and LgEvalDir are defined in
# your shell enviroment, e.g. by including:
# export LgEvalDir=<path_to_LgEval>
# export CROHMELibDir=<path_to_CROHMELib>
# export PATH=$PATH:$CROHMELibDir/bin:$LgEvalDir/bin
# in your .bashrc file (the initialization file for bash shell). The PATH
# alteration will add the tools to your search path.
if [ $# -lt 2 ]
echo "LgEval Label graph evaluation tool"
echo "Copyright (c) R. Zanibbi, H. Mouchere, 2012-2013"
echo ""
echo "Usage: evaluate outputDir groundTruthDir [d/s/b/t(default)]"
echo ""
echo "WARNING: this script will remove Results<outputDir> from the"
echo "current directory to avoid confusion. Make sure to save previous"
echo "evaluation results for a given directory if you wish to keep them."
echo ""
echo "Evaluates all label graph (.lg) files in outputDir against"
echo "corresponding files in groundTruthDir. groundTruthDir is used"
echo "to generate the list of files to be compared (i.e. if a file is"
echo "not in the ground truth directory, it will not be considered)."
echo ""
echo "Outputs"
echo "-----------------------------"
echo " Results<outputDir>/"
echo " Summary : summary of performance metrics"
echo " Correct : list outputDir files matching ground truth"
echo " Metrics.m : metrics for all .lg files compared"
echo " Diffs.diff : all differences between files"
echo " ConfusionMatrix.html : node and edge label confusion matrix"
echo " (errors only)"
echo ""
echo " Metrics/ : directory with .m (metric) and .diff (difference) file for"
echo " each comparison, along with .dot (GraphViz) and .pdf files for"
echo " viewing differences between files."
echo ""
echo "NOTE: By default differences are visualized in .pdf files located in Metrics/"
echo " using symbol layout trees; a third argument may be provided to"
echo " produce other visualizations of structural differences"
echo " (see lg2dot for details)."
exit 0
BNAME=`basename $1`
# Remove existing evaluation directory, and create a new one.
rm -fr $ResultsDir
mkdir $ResultsDir
mkdir $ResultsDir/Metrics
echo "Output Files: $1"
echo "Ground Truth: $2"
echo ""
# Compute all .m metrics outputs (per-file), and .diff results (per-file).
echo "Evaluating files..."
for file in $truthDir/*.lg
FNAME=`basename $file .lg`
echo " >> Comparing $FNAME.lg"
python $LgEvalDir/src/ $nextFile $file m > $ResultsDir/Metrics/$FNAME.m
DIFF=`python $LgEvalDir/src/ $nextFile $file diff`
if [ -n "$DIFF" ]
echo "$DIFF" > $ResultsDir/Metrics/$FNAME.diff
# If a third argument is provided, generate a .pdf file to visualize
# differences between graphs.
if [ $# -gt 2 ]
lg2dot $nextFile $file $3
mv $ $FNAME.pdf $ResultsDir/Metrics/
lg2dot $nextFile $file t
mv $ $FNAME.pdf $ResultsDir/Metrics/
echo "$nextFile" >> $ResultsDir/Correct
# Compile all metrics/diffs,
# and then compute metric summaries and confusion matrices.
cat $ResultsDir/Metrics/*.m > $ResultsDir/Metrics.m
ALLDIFFS=`ls $ResultsDir/Metrics | grep .diff`
if [ -n "$ALLDIFFS" ]
cat $ResultsDir/Metrics/*.diff > $ResultsDir/Diffs.diff
touch $ResultsDir/__NoErrors
touch $ResultsDir/Diffs.diff # empty - no errors.
python $LgEvalDir/src/ $ResultsDir/Metrics.m > $ResultsDir/__Summary
python $LgEvalDir/src/ $ResultsDir/Diffs.diff html > $ResultsDir/ConfusionMatrix.html
echo "done."
# Make sure that CROHMELibDir and LgEvalDir are defined in
# your shell enviroment, e.g. by including:
# export LgEvalDir=<path_to_LgEval>
# export CROHMELibDir=<path_to_CROHMELib>
# export PATH=$PATH:$CROHMELibDir/bin:$LgEvalDir/bin
# in your .bashrc file (the initialization file for bash shell). The PATH
# alteration will add the tools to your search path.
if [ $# -lt 1 ]
echo "LgEval Label graph to dot (GraphViz) converter"
echo "Copyright (c) R. Zanibbi, H. Mouchere, 2012-2013"
echo ""
echo "Usage: lg2mml file1.lg [file2.lg] [graph_type]"
echo ""
echo "Converts a label graph file files to a .dot file,"
echo "which can then be converted to a .pdf, .png or other"
echo "image format using the GraphViz 'dot' program."
echo ""
echo "If a second .lg file is provided, then the difference"
echo "between the first graph and ground truth (the second"
echo "file) is visualized."
echo ""
echo "The graph_type argument may be one of the following:"
echo " - [default; no argument] a bipartite graph over strokes."
echo " - s : a bipartite segmentation graph (shows strokes in symbols)"
echo " - d : a directed acyclic graph over strokes"
echo " - t : a tree (NOTE: requires a valid hierachical structure)"
exit 0
BNAME=`basename $1 .lg`
if [ $# -eq 1 ]
python $LgEvalDir/src/ $1 > $
elif [ $# -eq 2 ]
# Use tree output by default.
python $LgEvalDir/src/ $1 $2 > $
python $LgEvalDir/src/ $1 $2 $3 > $
# Call dot and generate a .pdf file.
dot -Tpdf $ -o $BNAME.pdf
# Make sure that CROHMELibDir and LgEvalDir are defined in
# your shell enviroment, e.g. by including:
# export LgEvalDir=<path_to_LgEval>
# export CROHMELibDir=<path_to_CROHMELib>
# export PATH=$PATH:$CROHMELibDir/bin:$LgEvalDir/bin
# in your .bashrc file (the initialization file for bash shell). The PATH
# alteration will add the tools to your search path.
if [ $# -lt 1 ]
echo "LgEval Label graph to text converter"
echo "Copyright (c) R. Zanibbi, H. Mouchere, 2012-2013"
echo ""
echo "Usage: lg2mml file.lg"
echo ""
echo "Converts a label graph file files to a MathML file,"
echo "written as file.mml to the current directory."
exit 0
BNAME=`basename $1 .lg`
python $LgEvalDir/src/ $1 $LgEvalDir/translate/mathMLMap.csv > temp.mml
txl -I $CROHMELibDir/src -I $CROHMELibDir/src/Grammars temp.mml $CROHMELibDir/src/pprintMathML.Txl > $BNAME.mml
rm temp.mml
# Make sure that CROHMELibDir and LgEvalDir are defined in
# your shell enviroment, e.g. by including:
# export LgEvalDir=<path_to_LgEval>
# export CROHMELibDir=<path_to_CROHMELib>
# export PATH=$PATH:$CROHMELibDir/bin:$LgEvalDir/bin
# in your .bashrc file (the initialization file for bash shell). The PATH
# alteration will add the tools to your search path.
if [ $# -lt 1 ]
echo "Usage: eval <outputDir> [groundTruthDir]"
echo ""
echo "Compares all .lg files in groundTruthDir to to matching"
echo "files (currently, with res_ prefix, and .inkml.lg sufix)."
echo ""
echo "Note: this script compares label graphs (.lg files)."
echo ""
echo "Output files:"
echo " - .m (metric) and .diff (difference) files for"
echo " each test file in outputDir"
echo " - ./Correct[outputDir] containing the list of correct"
echo " files from outputDir (i.e. matching groundTruth)"
echo " - ./Metrics[outputDir] compiling all metric values"
echo " - ./Diffs[outputDir] compiling all differences"
echo ""
echo " - ./Results[outputDir] summarizing performance metrics"
echo " - ./Diffs[outputDir].csv, providing node and edge label"
echo " confusion matrices (NOTE: currently errors only - no correct counts)"
exit 0
echo "Evaluating recognizer output files in $dir..."
# Remove summary files.
rm -f Correct$dir Results$dir Diffs$dir Metrics$dir
# Compute all .m metrics outputs (per-file), and .diff results (per-file).
cd $dir
# Clean up old evaluation files
rm -f *.m *.diff
if [ $# -gt 1 ]
#PREFIX="" # For use with ground truth data on itself.
for file in ../$truthDir/*.lg
nextFile=`basename $file`
python $PREFIX$nextFile $file m > $nextFile.m
DIFF=`python $PREFIX$nextFile $file diff`
if [ -n "$DIFF" ]
echo "$DIFF" > $nextFile.diff
echo "$PREFIX$nextFile" >> ../Correct$dir
# Back to main directory - compile all metrics/diffs,
# and then compute metric summaries and confusion matrices.
cd ..
cat $dir/*.m > ./Metrics$dir
cat $dir/*.diff > ./Diffs$dir
python Metrics$dir > Results$dir
python Diffs$dir > Diffs$dir.csv
echo "finished."
Fichier ajouté
rm -f *.pyc
Fichier ajouté
# 2 + 2
N, s1, 2, 1.0
N, s2, +, 1.0
N, s3, +, 1.0
N, s4, 2, 1.0
E, s1, s2, R, 1.0
E, s1, s3, R, 1.0
E, s1, s4, R, 1.0
E, s2, s3, *, 1.0
E, s2, s4, R, 1.0
E, s3, s2, *, 1.0
E, s3, s4, R, 1.0
# 2 - 1^2
N, s1, 2, 1.0
N, s2, 1, 1.0
N, s3, -, 1.0
N, s4, 2, 1.0
E, s1, s2, R, 1.0
E, s1, s3, R, 1.0
E, s1, s4, R, 1.0
E, s2, s4, Sup, 1.0
E, s3, s2, R, 1.0
E, s3, s4, R, 1.0
# 2 + 2 (over-segmented)
N, s1, 2, 1.0
N, s2, +, 1.0
N, s3, +, 1.0
N, s4, 2, 1.0
E, s1, s2, R, 1.0
E, s1, s3, R, 1.0
E, s1, s4, R, 1.0
E, s2, s4, R, 1.0
E, s3, s4, R, 1.0
# IUD, 2011_ISI_algb06
# Nodes:
N, 0, z, 1.0
N, 1, z, 1.0
N, 2, 1, 1.0
N, 3, =, 1.0
N, 4, =, 1.0
N, 5, r, 1.0
N, 6, 1, 1.0
N, 7, (, 1.0
N, 8, \cos, 1.0
N, 9, \theta, 1.0
N, 10, 1, 1.0
N, 11, +, 1.0
N, 12, +, 1.0
N, 13, i, 1.0
N, 14, i, 1.0
N, 15, \sin, 1.0
N, 16, \sin, 1.0
N, 17, \theta, 1.0
N, 18, 1, 1.0
N, 19, ), 1.0
# Edges:
E, 0, 1, *, 1.0
E, 0, 2, Sub, 1.0
E, 0, 3, R, 1.0
E, 0, 4, R, 1.0
E, 0, 5, R, 1.0
E, 0, 6, R, 1.0
E, 0, 7, R, 1.0
E, 0, 8, R, 1.0
E, 0, 9, R, 1.0
E, 0, 10, R, 1.0
E, 0, 11, R, 1.0
E, 0, 12, R, 1.0
E, 0, 13, R, 1.0
E, 0, 14, R, 1.0
E, 0, 15, R, 1.0
E, 0, 16, R, 1.0
E, 0, 17, R, 1.0
E, 0, 18, R, 1.0
E, 0, 19, R, 1.0
E, 1, 0, *, 1.0
E, 1, 2, Sub, 1.0
E, 1, 3, R, 1.0
E, 1, 4, R, 1.0
E, 1, 5, R, 1.0
E, 1, 6, R, 1.0
E, 1, 7, R, 1.0
E, 1, 8, R, 1.0
E, 1, 9, R, 1.0
E, 1, 10, R, 1.0
E, 1, 11, R, 1.0
E, 1, 12, R, 1.0
E, 1, 13, R, 1.0
E, 1, 14, R, 1.0
E, 1, 15, R, 1.0
E, 1, 16, R, 1.0
E, 1, 17, R, 1.0
E, 1, 18, R, 1.0
E, 1, 19, R, 1.0
E, 3, 4, *, 1.0
E, 3, 5, R, 1.0
E, 3, 6, R, 1.0
E, 3, 7, R, 1.0
E, 3, 8, R, 1.0
E, 3, 9, R, 1.0
E, 3, 10, R, 1.0
E, 3, 11, R, 1.0
E, 3, 12, R, 1.0
E, 3, 13, R, 1.0
E, 3, 14, R, 1.0
E, 3, 15, R, 1.0
E, 3, 16, R, 1.0
E, 3, 17, R, 1.0
E, 3, 18, R, 1.0
E, 3, 19, R, 1.0
E, 4, 3, *, 1.0
E, 4, 5, R, 1.0
E, 4, 6, R, 1.0
E, 4, 7, R, 1.0
E, 4, 8, R, 1.0
E, 4, 9, R, 1.0
E, 4, 10, R, 1.0
E, 4, 11, R, 1.0
E, 4, 12, R, 1.0
E, 4, 13, R, 1.0
E, 4, 14, R, 1.0
E, 4, 15, R, 1.0
E, 4, 16, R, 1.0
E, 4, 17, R, 1.0
E, 4, 18, R, 1.0
E, 4, 19, R, 1.0
E, 5, 6, Sub, 1.0
E, 5, 7, R, 1.0
E, 5, 8, R, 1.0
E, 5, 9, R, 1.0
E, 5, 10, R, 1.0
E, 5, 11, R, 1.0
E, 5, 12, R, 1.0
E, 5, 13, R, 1.0
E, 5, 14, R, 1.0
E, 5, 15, R, 1.0
E, 5, 16, R, 1.0
E, 5, 17, R, 1.0
E, 5, 18, R, 1.0
E, 5, 19, R, 1.0
E, 7, 8, R, 1.0
E, 7, 9, R, 1.0
E, 7, 10, R, 1.0
E, 7, 11, R, 1.0
E, 7, 12, R, 1.0
E, 7, 13, R, 1.0
E, 7, 14, R, 1.0
E, 7, 15, R, 1.0
E, 7, 16, R, 1.0
E, 7, 17, R, 1.0
E, 7, 18, R, 1.0
E, 7, 19, R, 1.0
E, 8, 9, R, 1.0
E, 8, 10, R, 1.0
E, 8, 11, R, 1.0
E, 8, 12, R, 1.0
E, 8, 13, R, 1.0
E, 8, 14, R, 1.0
E, 8, 15, R, 1.0
E, 8, 16, R, 1.0
E, 8, 17, R, 1.0
E, 8, 18, R, 1.0
E, 8, 19, R, 1.0
E, 9, 10, Sub, 1.0
E, 9, 11, R, 1.0
E, 9, 12, R, 1.0
E, 9, 13, R, 1.0
E, 9, 14, R, 1.0
E, 9, 15, R, 1.0
E, 9, 16, R, 1.0
E, 9, 17, R, 1.0
E, 9, 18, R, 1.0
E, 9, 19, R, 1.0
E, 11, 12, *, 1.0
E, 11, 13, R, 1.0
E, 11, 14, R, 1.0
E, 11, 15, R, 1.0
E, 11, 16, R, 1.0
E, 11, 17, R, 1.0
E, 11, 18, R, 1.0
E, 11, 19, R, 1.0
E, 12, 11, *, 1.0
E, 12, 13, R, 1.0
E, 12, 14, R, 1.0
E, 12, 15, R, 1.0
E, 12, 16, R, 1.0
E, 12, 17, R, 1.0
E, 12, 18, R, 1.0
E, 12, 19, R, 1.0
E, 13, 14, *, 1.0
E, 13, 15, R, 1.0
E, 13, 16, R, 1.0
E, 13, 17, R, 1.0
E, 13, 18, R, 1.0
E, 13, 19, R, 1.0
E, 14, 13, *, 1.0
E, 14, 15, R, 1.0
E, 14, 16, R, 1.0
E, 14, 17, R, 1.0
E, 14, 18, R, 1.0
E, 14, 19, R, 1.0
E, 15, 16, *, 1.0
E, 15, 17, R, 1.0
E, 15, 18, R, 1.0
E, 15, 19, R, 1.0
E, 16, 15, *, 1.0
E, 16, 17, R, 1.0
E, 16, 18, R, 1.0
E, 16, 19, R, 1.0
E, 17, 18, Sub, 1.0
E, 17, 19, R, 1.0
SUP,->, ^, { , }
SUB,->, _, { , }
R,->, ,,
HOR,->, ,,
# All ICDAR 2011 examples, plus empty files.
# Simple batch file; contains all examples from
# the ICDAR 2011 paper.
<ink xmlns="">
<channel name="X" type="decimal"/>
<channel name="Y" type="decimal"/>
<annotation type="UI">2012_IVC_CROHME_f004-eq035</annotation>
<annotation type="age">26</annotation>
<annotation type="copyright">LUNAM/IRCCyN</annotation>
<annotation type="gender">M</annotation>
<annotation type="hand">R</annotation>
<annotation type="writer">depart004</annotation>
<annotation type="truth">$(69 + 177 \times 136) + (117 \div 140) &gt; 5612$</annotation>
<annotationXML type="truth" encoding="Content-MathML">
<math xmlns=''>
<mo xml:id="(_1">(</mo>
<mn xml:id="6_1">6</mn>
<mn xml:id="9_1">9</mn>
<mo xml:id="+_1">+</mo>
<mn xml:id="1_1">1</mn>
<mn xml:id="7_1">7</mn>
<mn xml:id="7_2">7</mn>
<mo xml:id="\times_1">\times</mo>
<mn xml:id="1_2">1</mn>
<mn xml:id="3_1">3</mn>
<mn xml:id="6_2">6</mn>
<mo xml:id=")_1">)</mo>
<mo xml:id="+_2">+</mo>
<mo xml:id="(_2">(</mo>
<mn xml:id="1_3">1</mn>
<mn xml:id="1_4">1</mn>
<mn xml:id="7_3">7</mn>
<mo xml:id="\div_1">\div</mo>
<mn xml:id="1_5">1</mn>
<mn xml:id="4_1">4</mn>
<mn xml:id="0_1">0</mn>
<mo xml:id=")_2">)</mo>
<mo xml:id="\gt_1">\gt</mo>
<mn xml:id="5_1">5</mn>
<mn xml:id="6_3">6</mn>
<mn xml:id="1_6">1</mn>
<mn xml:id="2_1">2</mn>
<trace id="0">
6.33974 10.8382, 6.33573 10.8261, 6.31968 10.8422, 6.28758 10.9144, 6.20332 11.0629, 6.1351 11.2715, 6.11504 11.428, 6.13109 11.5203, 6.17924 11.5805, 6.24745 11.5965, 6.3598 11.5685
<trace id="1">
7.066 10.9586, 7.07403 10.9104, 7.05397 10.9104, 6.97773 10.9425, 6.85735 11.0629, 6.74902 11.2274, 6.69284 11.3638, 6.7129 11.4481, 6.76507 11.5002, 6.84933 11.5043, 6.94162 11.4681, 6.99378 11.416, 6.99779 11.3558, 6.95365 11.3076, 6.89347 11.3036, 6.83729 11.3237, 6.76105 11.3638, 6.70087 11.432, 6.70488 11.4641, 6.745 11.4802, 6.83328 11.4561
<trace id="2">
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