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Add normalization mn tags in mml

parent 92411053
Aucune branche associée trouvée
Aucune étiquette associée trouvée
Aucune requête de fusion associée trouvée
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ no warnings;
if($#ARGV < 0 or $#ARGV > 2){
print "CROHMELib CROHME .inkml to Label Graph (.lg) Converter
Copyright (c) H. Mouchère and R. Zanibbi, 2012-2014
Copyright (c) H. Mouchère and R. Zanibbi, 2012-2023
Usage: [-s] fileIn.inkml [fileOut.lg]
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ standard output (STDOUT).
The option -s produces the short format with 'O' and 'OE' lines
instead of 'N' and 'E' lines.
Version : 1.4
Version : 1.5
Authors: Harold Mouchère (LUNAM/University of Nantes/IRCCyN/IVC)
R. Zanibbi (DPRL Lab, RIT, USA)
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ my %tagToSRT = (
"msup" => [[0,1,'Sup']],
"msub" => [[0,1,'Sub']],
"mfrac" => [[-1,0,'Above'],[-1,1,'Below']],
"msqrt" => [[-1,0,'Inside'],[-1,1,'Inside'],[0,1,'Right']],
"msqrt" => [[-1,0,'Inside'],[0,1,'Right']],
"mroot" => [[-1,0,'Inside'],[-1,1,'Above']],
"munder" => [[0,1,'Below']],
"munderover" => [[0,1,'Below'], [0,2,'Above']],
......@@ -53,6 +53,29 @@ def add_ID(mml):
return mml
# normalize multi-character mn tags inserting mrow tags
def norm_mn(mml):
soup = BeautifulSoup(open(mmlPath),'lxml')
for subtree in mml.findAll('mn'):
if len(subtree.text) > 1 :
#print ("mn tag with more than one character is found:", subtree)
d1 = subtree.text[0]
d2 = subtree.text[1:]
# rename as mrow tag
subtree.string = "" = 'mrow'
# add new tags mn for first digit and one for next digits
mnd1 = soup.new_tag('mn')
mnd1.string = d1
next = soup.new_tag('mn')
next.string = d2
# recursive call to normalize the new mn tag
#print(" => new tree :", subtree)
return mml
#return mathml unicodes into latex labels
def normalizeSymbol(label):
if label in ['rightarrow', 'sum', 'int', 'pi', 'leq', 'sin','cos','tan', 'lim',
......@@ -181,6 +204,7 @@ if __name__=='__main__':
if soup('math'):
clean_mml = norm_mn(clean_mml)
\ No newline at end of file
$\frac{15}{xy} \sin \theta ^{23}$
\ No newline at end of file
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