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Created with Raphaël 2.2.03Apr15Mar21Sep14Mar1211925Feb2218141387621Nov13Oct29Sep431Aug12111064311Apr15Feb25Jan221120Dec18171411107Nov65May230Mar7Jul21Jun5Apr47Sep5Aug9Jun17May17Apr8Nov26Oct2514121127Apr262512Feb921Jun20191353May27Apr2418171615141225Mar2313add inkml to symlg convertion scriptmainmainAdd normalization mn tags in mmlCorrect default dotpdf dirMerge branch 'repair-io' into 'main'Correct typo graphSizeFixed bug for perfect results, updated READMEDebugDebugMoved test scriptMoving test scriptAdding io-testsdebugdebugdebugdebugDebugDebugMinor debugAdding io test data and scriptSimplify messaging for missing filesDebug FileResults.tsv generationSmall updatesSmall changesEvaluate script improvedCleaning up scripts evaluate + confHistReformatted python using 'black' pretty printerMerge branch 'encoding_args' into 'main'Update src/lg2txt.pyMerge branch 'Zanibbi-main-patch-00936' into 'main'Merge branch 'main' into Zanibbi-main-patch-00936Merge branch '2-add-inside-relationship-mapping' into 'main'Update README.mdCreated install (w. conda env), updated test scriptChanged virtual env creation (one time), clarified output.Add virtualenv install instead of pipTest script path corrections.Add beautifulsoup installation in testAdd test scripts and filesAdd Inside relation mappingReplace `vert` by | and fix typo in mathMLMap
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