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Created with Raphaël 2.2.022Apr21201918171615141312Document the configuration of a swap file on the server.mastermasterGive more explanation on how to run the app.Enable trim whitespace directive in proxy JSP file.Listen for feature change event.Add Javadoc for the FeatureService class.Merge branch 'master' of Commons IO dependency (used in proxy.jsp).Typos and formatting.Describe JS frontend usage.Formatting of README.Describe software libraries selected for the Java server backend.Update on description of libraries for the JS client frontend.Describe usage of the server backend.Describe software libraries used for JS client frontend.Document work done on task A.Update assignment reportModify UI wording.Configure Maven project to be able to simply run "mvn integration-test".Implement integration tests for the "Feature" REST resource.Reorganize code.Add support for GET "{featureId}" REST request.Adapt service unit tests to handle "geometry" field.Fix README.Use Markdown syntax.Make use of ConstraintValidator initialize method.Improve JS code documentation.Replace WFS 1.0.0 layer with another layer, with WFS 1.1.0 being now the only version supported.Use WGS84 / EPSG:4326 projection in serialized WKT.Provide more information on WKT violations.Validate feature at the service layer.Modify wording.Use random color for each WFS layer to tell them apart.Use REST feature ID in request path as reference value.Highlight feature vertices with a large point at the extremity.Refresh WFS layers at all applicable events (feature added/removed & toggle switch).Fix issue of duplicated notifications.Make the progress loading indicator stand out more.Skip WFS "Intersects" requests with empty features set.Show loading progress indicator on the map.Give some explanation as to why the "debug" version of OpenLayers is used.
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