Nantes Université

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Sélectionner une révision Git
  • host-from-root
  • master par défaut
2 résultats
Vous pouvez vous déplacer dans le graphe en utilisant les touches fléchées.
Created with Raphaël 2.2.027Mar21Sep30May15Mar19Jan16Sep13Jul125Apr22DecUpdate README.mdmastermasterUpdate index.htmlUpdate index.htmlUpdate index.htmlUpdate index.htmlUpdate index.htmltriger initial build of pages.Update to use a Docker imageUpdate to include info about the host-from-root branchUse an example to host from the root dirhost-from-roothost-from-rootMerge branch 'add-css' into 'master' Add some example CSSMerge branch 'valid-html' into 'master' Use valid HTML in the exampleMerge branch 'simplify-gitlab-ci.yml' into 'master' Merge branch 'smaller-docker-image' into 'master' Move index.html to simplify .gitlab-ci.ymlUse smaller Docker image to speed up buildUpdate READMEAdd .gitlab-ci.yml.Add index.htmlAdd readme
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