- jan. 04, 2024
Gwen Samain a rédigé
- mars 07, 2023
Gwenael Samain a rédigé
Just force the first figures to be placed in the first section.
Gwenael Samain a rédigé
Just to fill pages, you know. Appart from the technical beauty, nothing worthy content-wise.
Gwenael Samain a rédigé
After all, we just want special font, we don't need the behavioral changes of verbatim text commands.
Gwenael Samain a rédigé
Well, shiner at least. The rest of the document is still quite dumb.
Gwenael Samain a rédigé
This is now included in the caption of the figures.
Gwenael Samain a rédigé
Most notably, remove the depth-first example, which is useless.
Gwenael Samain a rédigé
Gwenael Samain a rédigé
That way it flows naturally with text, this is much better !
Gwenael Samain a rédigé
Otherwise, how could we compare them ?
Gwenael Samain a rédigé
If you use tricky math, you must include the correct usepackage directives ...
Gwenael Samain a rédigé
To show how to debug, what's better than practicing debug ?
Gwenael Samain a rédigé
Indeed, we won't show each and every git commands, and the list is incomplete !
Gwenael Samain a rédigé
Gwenael Samain a rédigé
These commands are indeed really useful when you wish to understand a project of someone else, or sometimes even your own ...
Gwenael Samain a rédigé
You can usually be more precise in the commit title, but for the first commit, "Initial commit" is a standard seen in some communities. Here we are just making a Hello World document.