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Created with Raphaël 2.2.04Aug3210Jul8Feb9Sep31Aug14Apr11Mar9Dec227May19FebAdd "latest" tagmastermasterSwitch to kaniko for building docker imageRollback to fedora 37Merge branch 'master' of fedora 38Add LICENSEAdd jqAdd gitAdd rsyncBump drawio v20.2.3Merge branch 'master' of unzipBump drawio 17.4.2Fix typo DockerfileBump drawio to 17.2.4 Bump drawio desktop to 17.2.1Bump drawio to 16.5.1Bump drawio to 16.0.2Bump drawio 16.0.0Fix typo --tagEnable automatic docker tags Undo drawio bumpBump drawio 17.4.2Dockerfile: fix missing newline \Dockerfile: fix extraneous *Add even more explicit dnf cache cleaningMerge branch 'master' into 'master'Add pull of base image before building the imageRefactor Dockerfile to properly clean the imageAdd "dnf clean all" to reduce image sizeBump drawio 15.8.7 and Fedora 35Add READMEUpdate Dockerfile (remove commented lines)Bumps F32 + drawio 13.0.3 + fix emojisAdd -a to xvfb-runFix find package nameAdd findAdd makeGive correct name to CI fileFirst commit
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