# Program that reads in two .lg (CSV) files, computes metrics,
# and returns the result as a (CSV) entry, along with a
# CSV entry (row) for each specific error on standard output.
# *If run in 'batch' mode, a CSV file for errors and a separate
# file containing all errors observed will be produced.
# Author: R. Zanibbi, June 2012
# Copyright (c) 2012, Richard Zanibbi and Harold Mouchere
import sys
import csv
from lg import *
from lgio import *
import SmGrConfMatrix
def runBatch(fileName, defaultFileOrder, confMat):
"""Compile metrics for pairs of files provided in a CSV
file. Store metrics and errors in separate files."""
fileReader = csv.reader(open(fileName))
metricStream = open(fileName + '.m','w')
diffStream = open(fileName + '.diff','w')
htmlStream = None
matrix = None
if confMat:
matrix = SmGrConfMatrix.ConfMatrix()
for row in fileReader:
# Skip comments and empty lines.
if not row == [] and not row[0].strip()[0] == "#":
lgfile1 = row[0].strip() # remove leading/trailing whitespace
lgfile2 = row[1].strip()
if not defaultFileOrder:
temp = lgfile2
lgfile2 = lgfile1
lgfile1 = temp
print ("Test: "+lgfile1+" vs. "+lgfile2);
# Here lg1 is the output, and lg2 the ground truth.
lg1 = Lg(lgfile1)
lg2 = Lg(lgfile2)
out =
metricStream.write('*M,' + lgfile1 + ',' + lgfile2 + '\n')
writeMetrics(out, metricStream)
diffStream.write('DIFF,' + lgfile1 + ',' + lgfile2 + '\n')
writeDiff(out[1], out[3], out[2], diffStream)
if confMat:
for (gt,er) in lg1.compareSubStruct(lg2,3):
if confMat:
htmlStream = open(fileName + '.html','w')
htmlStream.write('<html xmlns="">')
htmlStream.write('<h1> Substructure Confusion Matrix </h1>')
htmlStream.write('<p> File :'+fileName+'</p>')
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print("Usage: [[python]] <file1.lg> <file2.lg> [diff/*]")
print(" OR [[python]] [batch] <filepair_list> [GT-FIRST] [MAT]")
print(" For the first usage, return error metrics and differences")
print(" for label graphs in file1.lg and file2.lg.")
print(" A third argument will return just differences ('diff')")
print(" or just metrics (any other string).")
print(" For the second usage, a file is provided containing pairs of")
print(" label graph files, one per line (e.g. 'file1, GTruth').")
print(" A CSV file containing metrics for all comparisons is written")
print(" to \"filepair_list.m\", and differences are written to a file")
print(" \"filepair_list.diff\". By default ground truth is listed")
print(" second on each line of the batch file; any third argument")
print(" will result in the first element of each line being treated")
print(" as ground truth - this does not affect metrics (.m), but does")
print(" affect difference (.diff) output.")
showErrors = True
showMetrics = True
if sys.argv[1] == "batch":
# If requested, swap arguments.
defaultFileOrder = True
confMat = False
if len(sys.argv) > 3 and "GT-FIRST" in sys.argv:
print(">> Treating 1st column as ground truth.")
defaultFileOrder = False
if len(sys.argv) > 3 and "MAT" in sys.argv:
print(">> Compute the confusion matrix.")
confMat = True
runBatch(sys.argv[2], defaultFileOrder, confMat)
# Running for a pair of files: require default order of arguments.
if len(sys.argv) > 3:
if sys.argv[3] == 'diff':
showMetrics = False
showErrors = False
fileName1 = sys.argv[1]
fileName2 = sys.argv[2]
n1 = Lg(fileName1)
n2 = Lg(fileName2)
out =
if showMetrics:
writeMetrics(out, sys.stdout)
if showErrors:
writeDiff(out[1],out[3],out[2], sys.stdout)