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lg2dot 1,48 ko
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Richard Zanibbi's avatar
Richard Zanibbi a validé

# Make sure that CROHMELibDir and LgEvalDir are defined in
# your shell enviroment, e.g. by including:
#	export LgEvalDir=<path_to_LgEval>
#	export CROHMELibDir=<path_to_CROHMELib>       		
#	export PATH=$PATH:$CROHMELibDir/bin:$LgEvalDir/bin
# in your .bashrc file (the initialization file for bash shell). The PATH
# alteration will add the tools to your search path. 

if [ $# -lt 1 ]
	echo "LgEval lg2dot: Label graph to dot (GraphViz) converter"
	echo "Copyright (c) R. Zanibbi, H. Mouchere, 2012-2014"
Richard Zanibbi's avatar
Richard Zanibbi a validé
	echo ""
	echo "Usage: lg2dot file1.lg [file2.lg] [graph_type]"
Richard Zanibbi's avatar
Richard Zanibbi a validé
	echo ""
	echo "Converts a label graph file files to a .dot file,"
	echo "which can then be converted to a .pdf, .png or other"
	echo "image format using the GraphViz 'dot' program."
	echo ""
	echo "If a second .lg file is provided, then the difference"
	echo "between the first graph and ground truth (the second"
	echo "file) is visualized."
	echo ""
	echo "The graph_type argument may be one of the following:"
	echo "   - [default; no argument] a directed graph over objects."
	echo "   - b : a bipartite graph over primitives"
	echo "   - s : a bipartite segmentation graph"
	echo "   - p : a directed graph over strokes"
Richard Zanibbi's avatar
Richard Zanibbi a validé
	echo "   - t : a tree (NOTE: requires a valid hierachical structure)"
	exit 0

BNAME=`basename $1 .lg`

# Generate dot file, then call dot and generate a .pdf file.
python $LgEvalDir/src/ $@ > $
Richard Zanibbi's avatar
Richard Zanibbi a validé
dot -Tpdf $ -o $BNAME.pdf 
dot -Tpng $ -o $BNAME.png 
Richard Zanibbi's avatar
Richard Zanibbi a validé