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Valider 8f85e191 rédigé par Damiano Albani's avatar Damiano Albani
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parent bc3e09c1
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## Assignment
> WebViewer displaying a map (of the Netherlands).
> Viewer has standard functionalities as zooming, panning, layer selection.
> Viewer has possibility to draw a own geometry on the map.
> Viewer has ability to send a user drawn geometry to the server.
> Server does a check if the user drawn geometry has intersections with (server side defined) wfs layers and returns result of these checks.
> What has to be build:
> Server Component
> - build with Java (7 or 8)
> - usage of build management tool (preferable maven, but gradle or ant is also ok)
> - War file (to be deployed in Apache Tomcat) or Standalone application (Spring Boot (jetty, tomcat))
> - Make use of libraries (geotools, spring framework, jersey, dropwizard)
> - Rest interface for
> - receiving geometry and sending back if geometry intersects defined wfs layers
> - defining wfs layers
> - getting list of defined wfs layers
> - checking if wfs layer is available
> - add wfs layer
> - view available wfs layer
> - delete wfs layer
> - update wfs layer
> - check intersections between geometry and defined wfs layers
> - server component persists wfs layers in file database (hsql, h2)
> Client component
> - build with HTML, Javascript
> - Zoom
> - Pan
> - Layer selection
> background (these are only options, feel free to add your own layers)
> forground (options, feel free to add your own layers)
> is a good place to find free services
> - Drawing an editing of geometry in viewer
> - Sending Geometry to server component
> What do we expect:
> - working example
> - unit tests
> - source code
> - motivation for decisions (why usage of geotools or H2 database)
> What do we provide:
> - accessible linux server
> - login credentials for server
> - email adress for questions
WebViewer displaying a map (of the Netherlands).
Viewer has standard functionalities as zooming, panning, layer selection.
Viewer has possibility to draw a own geometry on the map.
Viewer has ability to send a user drawn geometry to the server.
Server does a check if the user drawn geometry has intersections with (server side defined) wfs layers and returns result of these checks.
What has to be build:
Server Component
- build with Java (7 or 8)
- usage of build management tool (preferable maven, but gradle or ant is also ok)
- War file (to be deployed in Apache Tomcat) or Standalone application (Spring Boot (jetty, tomcat))
- Make use of libraries (geotools, spring framework, jersey, dropwizard)
- Rest interface for
- receiving geometry and sending back if geometry intersects defined wfs layers
- defining wfs layers
- getting list of defined wfs layers
- checking if wfs layer is available
- add wfs layer
- view available wfs layer
- delete wfs layer
- update wfs layer
- check intersections between geometry and defined wfs layers
- server component persists wfs layers in file database (hsql, h2)
Client component
- build with HTML, Javascript
- Zoom
- Pan
- Layer selection
background (these are only options, feel free to add your own layers)
forground (options, feel free to add your own layers) is a good place to find free services
- Drawing an editing of geometry in viewer
- Sending Geometry to server component
What do we expect:
- working example
- unit tests
- source code
- motivation for decisions (why usage of geotools or H2 database)
What do we provide:
- accessible linux server
- login credentials for server
- email adress for questions
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